12 Days Egypt and Kenya Safari Tours 2022-2024

Egypt and Kenya Safari Tour Package, 12 Days Egypt and Kenya Safari, Kenya and Egypt tours, Egypt Kenya Tour safari Package, Best of Egypt & Kenya

Nearly all of Egypt is desert, but the small part that isn’t – the valley of the Nile River – is vital to the nation (95% of the population lives within a few miles of the Nile’s banks). Most tours of Egypt, whether by cruise, via train, on a bus or in, a private car, never stray too far from the river’s shores. Egypt is the largest country in the Arab world, and among African nations, is second in population only to Nigeria (Cairo, the continent’s most populous city, alone has 16 million

Kenya, today regarded by many as the ‘jewel of East Africa’ has magnificent wildlife and scenery and an incredibly sophisticated tourism infrastructure. It is a startlingly beautiful land, from the coral reefs and white sand beaches of the coast to the summit of Mount Kenya, crowned with clouds and be jewelled by strange giant alpine plants.

Above all, Kenya is a place for safaris. Between these two extremes is the rolling Savannah that is home to game parks such as Amboseli, the Masai Mara, Samburu and Tsavo; the lush, agricultural highlands with their sleek green coat of coffee and tea plantations; and the most spectacular stretch of the Great Rift Valley, the giant scar across the face of Africa. One-tenth of all land in Kenya is designated as national parks and reserves. Over 50 parks and reserves cover all habitats from desert to mountain forest, and there are even six marine parks in the Indian Ocean.

Detailed Itinerary of 12 days Egypt & Kenya tour Package


Arrive Cairo International Airport. A Bushtroop Tours and Safaris local driver guide will meet you at the airport and escort you to your hotel for check-in.

Cairo, one of the world’s largest urban areas, is constantly full of life and movement with honking horns, children playing, and merchants selling their wears. You’ll find everything in this modern and ancient city from the world’s greatest archeological sites to the grandest accommodations and restaurants. Conrad Hotel or similar

Day 2 – CAIRO

Breakfast: buffet breakfast at hotel. Pyramids: Your Egyptologist will meet you at the hotel to escort you on an unforgettable tour of the Great Pyramids of Giza. The only present-day survivors of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, they are among the world’s greatest
tourist attractions and never lose their ability to inspire and overwhelm visitors. Your tour today includes an opportunity to enter inside one of these fabulous monuments and explore the mysteries of its ancient past for yourself.

Camel Ride: No trip to Egypt would be complete without a ride on a “ship of the desert”, and so you will have an opportunity to mount your individual camel for a short ride across the sands of Giza to the Sphinx.

Sphinx: Enter the temple of the mysterious Sphinx, an ancient figure shrouded in legend and mystery. Your Egyptologist will enthrall you with the tales told of this fascinating figure.

Sakkara: Experience Egypt’s long and rich history in our exciting double tour to the city of Memphis and the necropolis of Sakkara. At vast Sakkara, you will see the famous Step Pyramid of King Zoser, the first freestanding stone structure in the world. Our Egyptologist will guide you to some tombs belonging to the nobles of the past. They show the beauty and excellence of Ancient Egyptian art on their walls and give an insight in the daily life of Ancient

Memphis: At the site of Memphis, you will see the ancient capital that once stood as a flourishing metropolis during the time of the Pharaohs. The place is thickly surrounded by lush palm groves and bushes, isolating the site of the old city from modern civilization. Return to the hotel and enjoy the balance of your day at leisure. Conrad Hotel or similar Breakfast

Day 3 – CAIRO

Buffet breakfast at hotel and full day of sightseeing in Cairo. You may choose two of the following half-day tours.

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities: Your Egyptologist will escort you today on a fascinating tour of 7,000 years of Egyptian history with a visit to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities. The Museum houses the world’s greatest collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts, including 12 rooms filled with golden treasures from the world-famous tomb of the boy-king Tutenkhamun.

Coptic Cairo: Your Egyptologist will guide you today round the highlights of Coptic Cairo. There you will find the remains of the old Fortress of Babylon, built at the time of the Romans in Egypt to protect the country from invading enemies. The walls of the fortress enclose the Church of St. Sergius, which is built on a crypt considered to be one of the resting places of the Holy Family during their flight to Egypt 2,000 years ago. You will also see the “Hanging
Church”, supported by only one column, and boasting incredible paintings inside. Visit the Synagogue of Ben Ezra, from the time of the once thriving Jewish community in Egypt under the leadership of Rabbi Ben Ezra. Inside were
discovered the so-called “Geniza Documents”, which showed an unparalleled source of information about life of the Jews in Egypt’s past. You will also enter the Coptic Museum, which displays a wonderful collection of medieval statues, bells, bone carvings, frescoes, icons and colorful textiles.

Islamic Cairo: Take a fascinating tour of Islamic Cairo, including the beautiful and graceful Mohamed Ali Mosque and the ancient Citadel, a spectacular medieval fortress perched on a hill above the city. Originally built by Salah El-Din in 1176 to fortify the city against the Crusaders, the Citadel was modified and enlarged over the centuries by subsequent
rulers and today is a complex of three mosques and four museums. Proceed to the fascinating Khan El-Khalili Bazaar – reputed to be the largest bazaar in the Middle East. Originally founded as a watering stop for caravanserai in the 14th century, the bazaar has now grown to vast proportions. As you wander through the labyrinth of narrow streets you will
find workshops and stalls selling all manner of things from woodwork, glassware and leather goods to perfumes, fabrics and Paranoiac curiosities. Conrad Hotel or similar Breakfast


Breakfast: Buffet breakfast at your hotel in Cairo and checkout.
Transfer: Your local representative will meet you at your hotel and escort you to the Cairo Domestic Airport in an
air-conditioned bus. Flight: Board your flight to Aswan.

OPTIONAL: Abu Simbel Excursion (at an extra cost). An airport representative will assist you with check-in for your
short flight to Abu Simbel. Arrive Abu Simbel and board a shuttle bus for transfer to the temples of Ramses II and his
queen Nefertari. A local Egyptologist will provide a narrated tour of Abu Simbel. Return shuttle to Abu Simbel airport to board your scheduled flight to Aswan. You are met by cruise staff and transferred to the boat dock.

Check-in: Arrive on your 5-star deluxe Nile cruise boat, moored in private dock in Aswan. On board, the reception staff, which will offer you chilled fruit juice while assisting with your check-in, will welcome you. Lunch will be served on board.

High Dam: This afternoon, your Egyptologist guide will escort you to visit the Aswan High Dam, Egypt’s contemporary example of building on a monumental scale.

Philae Temple: Take a short motorboat ride to visit the romantic and majestic Philae Temple on the Island of Agilka.

Unfinished Obelisk: Next we proceed to the Granite Quarries, which supplied the ancient Egyptians with most of the hard stone used in pyramids and temples, and still hold a huge unfinished obelisk.

Afternoon Tea: When you return to your cruise, a relaxing afternoon tea will be served in the lounge.

Captain’s Cocktail Party: Tonight you will be greeted by your Boat Manager, who will introduce you to the boat staff and review on-board facilities and your cruise program for the next few days. Complimentary Egyptian wine and local beer will be served, together with a selection of canapés.

Dinner: Gourmet menu on board.

Overnight: On board in Aswan.
Nile Vision or similar
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Breakfast: Breakfast buffet on board, while you cruise to Kom Ombo. Kom Ombo Temple: Visit the Temple of Kom Ombo, dedicated to the crocodile-god Sobek. The temple stands at a bend in the Nile where in ancient times sacred crocodiles basked in the sun on the riverbank.

Lunch: Return to your boat for lunch on board, while you cruise to Edfu.

Edfu Temple: This afternoon, explore the largest and most completely preserved Pharaonic – albeit Greek-built – temple in Egypt, the extraordinary Temple of Horus at Edfu.

Afternoon Tea: Afternoon tea will be served while you cruise to Esna.

Dinner: Tonight’s dinner on board will be an “Egyptian Night” costume party for all guests, with a chance to dress up in traditional Egyptian “galabeyas”. Dinner will be a lavish buffet of Egyptian specialties, followed by oriental music and dancing for everyone. Overnight on board in Esna. Nile Vision or similar. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 06 – ESNA – LUXOR

Breakfast: Breakfast buffet on board, while you cruise to Luxor.

Valley of the Kings & Queens: Begin your day with a visit to the West Bank of Luxor to explore the Valley of the
Kings, a vast City of the Dead where magnificent tombs were carved into the desert rocks, decorated richly, and filled with treasures for the afterlife by generations of Pharaohs. You will also have the chance to visit at least one tomb in the Valley of the Queens.

Hatshepsut Temple: Rising out of the desert plain in a series of terraces, the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut (Ancient Egypt’s only female Pharaoh) merges with the sheer limestone cliffs that surround it, as if nature herself had built this extraordinary monument.

Photostop Colossi of Memnon: On the way back to the river Nile, your road passes by the famed Colossi of Memnon, known in Ancient Greek times for their haunting voices at dawn.
Lunch: Lunch on board.

Luxor Temple: This afternoon your Egyptologist will guide you on a tour of the East Bank of Luxor, starting with the strikingly graceful Temple of Luxor dedicated to the god Amun.

Karnak Temple: Proceed to the Temple of Karnak, built over more than a thousand years by generations of Pharaohs.The great “Hypostyle Hall” is an incredible forest of giant pillars, covering an area larger than the whole of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Afternoon Tea: Return to your cruise for afternoon tea on board.
Dinner: Tonight’s farewell dinner will be a formal gala dinner, with white-gloved waiters serving gourmet cuisine.
Overnight on board in Luxor. Nile Vision or similar. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Breakfast: Very early breakfast buffet on board, and check out.

Flight: Transfer to Luxor Domestic Airport for you scheduled flight to Cairo. Arrive Cairo, you are met and transferred to the Fairmont Hotel where a dayroom is arranged. Spend the day at leisure doing some last minute shopping or sightseeing. This evening transfer to the Cairo
International Airport for your outbound international flight (not included) to Nairobi, Kenya. Hotel – day room Breakfast

Day 08 – NAIROBI

Arrive at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. After clearing Customs and Immigration, you will be met and transferred to the Nairobi Hotel for check in and breakfast. Enjoy your day at leisure. Meals are on your own account.

Nairobi. As the sun rises each morning in equatorial East Africa, Nairobi is already bustling with traffic, streams of pedestrians and people pushing carts. In the city’s markets, the floors are washed, and fresh produce is artfully arranged; the tea sellers unlock their stalls and light their fires; merchants raise the iron screens from their store windows. Flowers are everywhere.


After breakfast at hotel, transfer to Wilson Airport for your scheduled flight (1000/1045) to Maasai Mara Game Reserve.

You will be met at the Mara Airstrip and transferred the short distance to your camp in the Maasai Mara for the next three nights. There will be time to relax before lunch is served.

This afternoon you enjoy your first game viewing drive in the Mara where you will hopefully enjoy seeing all the animals known as the “Big Five”. Breakfast, lunch, dinner at the lodge.


You have the whole day to enjoy the sights and sounds of Maasai Mara on your early morning and late afternoon game viewing drives.

The jewel in Africa’s crown, Maasai Mara is host to the most spectacular array of wildlife. Her 320 square kilometers of open savannah, woodlands and tree-lined rivers creates an eco-system that supports huge numbers of bird and mammal species. The western border of the park is the spectacular Siria Escarpment, and together with the acacia dotted plains, creates scenery of stunning beauty.

Lion are found in abundance throughout the park, as are elephant, giraffe, a variety of gazelle species and zebra. Cheetah and leopard are also regularly seen and, if lucky, you may also find rhino. Game viewing is never dull in the Mara, and patience is often rewarded with unique sightings: a pride of lion stalking their prey; a solitary leopardretrieving its kill from the high branches of an acacia tree; male wildebeest sparring to attract females into their harem; or even a herd of elephant protecting their young from opportunistic predators. The annual wildebeest migration traditionally is present in the Mara from July-September and at this time nature’s dramas unfold before your very eyes
at every turn. As well as wildlife, the Maasai Mara is also home to many members of the colorful Maasai tribe who may be seen around the borders of the park – morans (warriors) loping across the plains, young boys herding goats, or elders grouped under a tree discussing matters of the day. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner at the lodge


You have another full day to enjoy the splendors of the Maasai Mara. There will also be the option to take a balloon safari  (at an extra cost).

OPTIONAL: Balloon Safari. As the balloon is inflated against the first rays of sunrise your pilot will go through safety procedures. It’s then time to climb aboard. Once aloft, the balloon floats gently over the plains, giving a bird’s eye view of the game below as the sun creeps slowly over the horizon. Spread beneath you is a panorama of Africa – elephants looking improbably small; giraffe browsing amongst the treetops; antelope grazing; a pair of lionesses stalking a herd
of wildebeest; an eagle guarding his eerie; and cheetah glancing up as the shadow of the huge balloon crosses their paths. After around one hour the balloon lands and nearby breakfast is already being prepared.

The smells of bacon, sausages and eggs drift on the breeze as you begin breakfast with platefuls of exotic Kenyan fruits and homemade pastries and, of course, glasses of bubbly to toast your flight in a tradition initiated by the Montgolfier brothers.

The afternoon game viewing drive and/or other activity in the Mara whether or not you take the optional adventure walk. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner at the lodge


After a leisurely breakfast you will bid the lodge staff farewell and transfer to the Mara Airstrip for your scheduled flight (1100/1215) to Wilson Airport.

On arrival you will be met and taken to the Carnivore Restaurant for lunch and then to the Nairobi Hotel where you can relax in your dayroom. The rest of the afternoon is at leisure and diner is on your own arrangements. This evening you will be taken to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your departure flight. Nairobi Hotel – dayroom until 6pm.


Book this 12 days  Egypt and Kenya safari tour holiday with Bushtroop tours and Safaris on www.bushtroop-safaris.com, by emailing info@bushtroop-safaris.com, or call/whatapp us on +254 722 802513

Kenya Safari

3 Days Lamu Safari Packages

3 Days Masai Mara Lodge Safari

3 Days Masai Mara Mid-Range Tour

3 Days masai Mara Budget Safari

3 Days Amboseli Camping Safari

3 Days Amboseli Flying Safari

3 days Mt. Kenya Sirimon route

3 days Masai Mara Flying Safari

4 Days Luxury Masai Mara Safari

4 Days Luxury L. Naivasha & Mara Tour

4 days Masai Mara Migration Safari

4 Days Mt. Kenya Climbing-Naro Moru

4 days Samburu & Sweetwaters Safari

4 Day masai Mara & Lake Nakuru Safari

4 Days Tsavo, Amboseli & Mombasa Safari

Western Kenya Circuit Ecotourism and Cultural Adventures

5 Days Aberdare Walking Safari

5 days Masai Mara Fly-in Migration Safari

5 Day Lake Nakuru & Lake Naivasha & Masai Mara

5 Days Masai Mar & Lake Nakuru Camping Safari

5 Days Masai Mara Wildlife Safari

5 Days Wildebeest Migration Safari

5 days Mount Kenya Climbin Chogoria

5 Days Samburu & Lake Nakuru Safari

6 Days Masai Mara, L.Nakuru & Amboseli

6 Days Loita Hills Walking Safari

6 Days Mara & Lakes Nakuru, Naivasha, Bogoria

7 Days Kenya birding Safari

7 Days Kenya Family Lodge Safari

7 day Kenya Honeymoon Safari

7 Days Mt. Kenya Climbing: Naro Moru-Chogoria

7 Days Masai Mara, L. Nakuru, Amboseli, Tsavo

7 Days Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru & Maboseli

7 Days Meru & Sweetwaters Safari

7 Days masai Mara, Amboseli & Tsavo Tour

8 Day 7 nights Kenya Family Safari

7 Days Samburu, Masai Mara & Amboseli

8 Days Kenya birding Safari

8 Days Honeymoon Flying Safari

8 Day Kenya Lodge Safari

8 Days Kenya Luxury Safari

8 Days To Meru Elsa Kopje & Lewa Downs

8 Days Sweetwater, Nakuru & Masai Mara

8 Days Mount kenya Trek-Chogoria Down Sirimon

10 Days Kenya Birding Safari

10 days Kenya Honeymoon Safari

10 days Kenya Wildlife Safari

11 Days Kenya Safari & Mombasa Beach

11 Days Kenya Camping Safari

11 Days Kenya Golf Safari

11 Days Luxury Tented Safari

11 Days Kenya Honeymoon Safari

Kenya Family Beach Safari

12 Days Kenya Family Safari

13 Days Kenya Birding Safari

14 days Kenya Birding Tour

12 Days Kenya Wildlife Lodge Safari

13 Days Kenya Lodge Safari

14 Days Best Of Kenya Safari

15 Day Kenya Luxury Tented Camp Safari

16 Days Kenya Safari For Disabled

29 Days Bird Watching safari In Kenya

Tanzania Safaris

4 Days Serengeti Fly-In From Zanzibar

4 Days Fly in Ngorongoro-Serengeti From Zanzibar

4 Days L. Manyara, Serengeto & Ngorongoro Camping

5 Days Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire

6 Days Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Safari

6 Days Serengeti, Norongoro, Manyara & Tarangire

7 Days Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongo & Serengeti

7 Days Combined Kenya & Tanzania Safari

8 Days Kilimanjaro Climbing Tour-Rongai

8 Days Kilimanjaro Trek-Lemosho Route

8 Days Machame Kilimanjaro Trek

8 Days Marangu Kilimanjaro Climbing

8 Days Umbwe Route Kilimanjaro Climb

8 Days Ndutu Calving Serengeti Safari

9 Days Kenya Eco Tour Safaris

9 Days Amboseli Meru & Masai mara

11 Days Tanzania Safari & Kilimanjaro

11 Days Tanzania Family Safari

12 Days Tanzania Family Safari

14 Days Tanzania Family Safari

7 Days Ngorongoro Serengeti Tarangire

Uganda Safaris

3 Days Uganda Gorilla

3 Days Chimpanzee Tracking Safari

3 days Queen Elizabeth National Park Tour

7 Days Uganda Birding Safari

7 days Rwenzori Trek-Central Circuit

7 Days Uganda Safari

7 Days Uganda Adventure Tour

8 Days Kenya Wildlife & Walking Safari

8 Days Kenya Golf beach Safari

8 Days Rafting, Sipifalls, wildlife & Kidepo Safaris

9 Days Tanzania Family Safari

10 Days Uganda Safari

11 Days Rwenzori Wildlife

12 Days Rwenzori, Gorillas & Chimpanzee

14 Days Uganda Safari

Rwanda Safaris

1 Day Rwanda Gorilla Trek

3 days Rwanda Gorilla

4 Days Rwanda Double Gorilla Trek

5 Days Double Rwanda Gorilla Safari

5 Days Rwanda Safari

6 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Serengeti Safari

8 Days Rwanda Safari

Egypt Safaris

5 Days Egypt Safaris

3 Days Cairo adventure Safari

9 Days/8 nights Cairo -Alexandria – Aswan and Luxor

9 Days/8 Nights Cruise on the River Nile Tours

Combined Safaris

7 Days Rwanda Gorillas & Masai Mara

8 Days Uganda Primates & Masai Mara

9 Days Kenya Tanzania Camping Safari

9 Days Kenya Tanzania Migration Safari

9 Days Kilimanjaro Lemosho Climb

9 Days Tanzania Family Safari

11 days Kenya Tanzania Safari

15 Days Fly-in Kenya & Tanzania

11 Days Luxury Kenya Tanzania Tour

10 Days Tanzania & Zanzibar Tour

15 Days Kenya Tanzania Zanzibar

13 Days Kilimanjaro & Zanzibar

13 days Kenya & Tanzania Safari

13 Days  Kenya Egypt Safari

12 Days Egypt & Kenya Safari

12 Days Kenya Wildlife & Beach

12 Days Gorillas, Masa Mara & Zanzibar

12 Days kilimanjaro & Tanzania Safari

12 Days Kenya Tanzania Camping Safari

14 Days Classic Kenya Tanzania Flying Safari

15 Days Kenya Tanzania Wildebeest Safari

16 Days Kenya & Tanzania Safari

Combined Kenya Tanzania Lodge Safari

16 Days Mount Kenya & Kilimanjaro Adventure

19 Days Kilimanjaro, Oldonyo Lenga & Meru Mountains

22 Days Tazania & Kenya Lodge Safari